Rainbow Bridge
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Baxter - March 2017
Baxter was quite the character. He was a foster failure 6 years ago. He lived out his life at the Beagle Orphanage as a forever Beagle teaching all the fosters who came to stay all of the ropes and when it was time for dinner with his Beagle bay. He will be missed everyday.

Merry - September 2016
My husband and I then volunteered as fosters for the first time over two years ago during the holidays and brought Mary home for what was supposed to be two weeks. She was adopted after one week (we already loved her by then) and much to our surprise was returned to Nora after only 48 hours at which time Jeff and I happily adopted her. We took very good care of her but she was diagnosed with advanced heart disease and congestive heart failure about four months ago and put on a combination of drugs to help manage it. She would have good and bad days and unfortunately passed away in Tuesday. No one knew how old she was - some docs said 10, some said 12.

Iggy - July 2016
Iggy was just a little clown. He loved to play with stuffed toys, but he would roll on them and hide them, and was very careful and loving with his toys. When he was puzzled about something, he would sit and look up and us, and use his front feet to rotate solemnly around in a circle on his butt, which was hilarious to watch. He loved his walks, and could get quite stubborn about the direction he wanted to take. If we turned around, he would sit down and refuse to move - we called this "anvil butt." and treated our Molly Beagle like the princess she is. He was a terrible hunter - once he managed to corner a tortoise in the yard, but he ran away from most other animals. He liked snoozing on the couch next to us, and dinnertime best of all.

Brady - July 2016
I just wanted to let you know we lost our Brady on July 17, 2016, to cancer. He was a sweet and loving spirit and he will always remain with us. We miss him greatly and know he is running and playing with his friends and squirrels at the rainbow bridge just waiting for us. I love you Brady and miss you everyday. Mom

Red - March 20 2017
We have attached a picture of our sweet boy RED. Red was adopted from TBBR 4 years and 7 months ago. In July 2015 we learned Red had an inoperable lung tumor and we were told he would have 2-5 months...we then decided to take Red on many vacations. He passed away peacefully Monday March 20th. He survived 8 months. In Red's honor we will be adopting another beagle fur baby from your wonderful organization.

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