Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

It can take a long time for a timid, un-socialized dog to come around: We adopted our third beagle from TBBR about a year a so ago. A very shy little girl named Scarlett. She spent most of her time under the bed. We had to drag her out to make her go outside. It has taken time and patience (and the help of her brother Buddy), but she has turned into such a sweet dog. She still likes her quiet time under the bed, but she loves to come out and visit, and loves to run and play with Buddy. Last night she came flying in from the back yard, hopped onto the couch and looked me right in the eye as if to say……………"This is ok for me to do without getting in trouble, isn't it? She licked me on the nose and was off again………………. Joe