Animal Success Stories
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Charlie III
Charlie III

I just wanted to give you the Charlie update. He is doing great with a couple of accidents (more our fault I think than his). He is better about letting us take toys away from him now. Not perfect but is learning. He really doesn't like being in the crate but we only put him in there when we leave for a little while. He has this thing for area rugs. He likes to pick them up and carry them around the house! Go figure. All of our neighbors know we have a beagle since he loves to run around the backyard and let everyone know that he's outside aka BARKING! Boca and Charlie are friends as well. They pal around but he doesn't really want to play which is fine with her. Here is a photo of the boy & his dog. As you can see Charlie knows he has a forever home now! Thanks for helping us make the right doggie match. We love him! Take Care Ellen Mathieson