Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Hi Jack, I hope that all is well. From the looks of your website, you have had quite a few dogs in and quite a few dogs out. I saw that Madison was adopted. She was the sweetest looking bassett hound. Tom told me that I am not allowed to go to your site anymore...because my heart just cries out "I want MORE!!!!!". We definitely have our hands full with Michael. (Not in a bad way... we just want to give him 150% of our time and love!) He is doing so well. After a few days of shyness and nervousness, he really came out of his shell. He plays and runs around like a puppy. He is even going for walks around our development, although he stops and stares at every new sound. On the first day, we couldn't get him down our driveway. Today, we got him down the block (about 12 houses away). That was huge!!! Thank God for doggie treats! Tom calls him a "Momma's Boy" because he follows me around. I guess it is because I am home all day with him. Although, it is so sweet...when Tom pulls up at about 6:00 pm, Mikey runs to the garage door and sits...with his tail wagging. He is really starting to get the fact that we are a family and we are his forever. We love him like crazy and even after 10 days, we can't imagine life without him. Thank you so much for everything. Your organization is wonderful and you and all of your foster parents (especially Paula and her family) are angels! Here are some pictures of Mikey. The first one is him chilling out on our bed after a long, hard afternoon of play. The next one is him relaxing in his favorite chair on our back porch. He literally sits there for hours... keeping track of everything that goes on in the back yard. The third picture is some quality playtime with Tom. An last but not least is a family portrait. Not such a great picture because Michael was sort of freaked out that I picked him up and put him on my lap. He has that "give me a break" look on his face! Anyway, thanks again for bringing Michael into our lives!! He is the best!! --Elise & Tom just wanted to pass along this funny Mike story. We decided to give him a bath (shower) tonight. It is actually his second one. We use that Hi-Lyt shampoo, so he smells really nice. Anyway, we have a standing shower stall in our bathroom that we use. Tom got in (wearing his bathing suit) and got the water ready. I got Mike into the bathroom and he was like "NO WAY!". It was the biggest struggle to get him in the stall. After the shower, we let him out and he ran all around the bathroom. He shook off and was totally fine. We gave him some treats and he relaxed. Here is the funny part... Tom was still in the shower, just cleaning up and Michael walked right in and licked Tom's ankle. We were laughing like crazy!!! Why couldn't he just walk in before? Hope that you enjoyed the weekend! Best wishes always, Elise & Tom ** Another Update** Michael is great! He has made a smooth transition into our house and our lives. It is hard to remember what it was like without him. He is very happy and so are we. We love the TBBR and all of its wonderful volunteers and we thank you so much for saving his life. You are a wonderful organization! Elise & Tom Corcoran Another update: Michael is great! He has made a smooth transition into our house and our lives. It is hard to remember what it was like without him. He is very happy and so are we. We love the TBBR and all of its wonderful volunteers and we thank you so much for saving his life. You are a wonderful organization! Elise & Tom Corcoran