Animal Success Stories
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 Hi Angela, Charlotte is wonderful! She fits into our family so well! She's such a sweet dog and loves to be petted, which everyone loves to do! Of course, she still loves to chase those balls! The last time we weighed her at the vet's office, which was around Thanksgiving, she was right around 30 lbs. We have her on Wellness HealthyWeight dog food. Of course, she is always ready and waiting to eat anything she comes across, so we have learned to keep the door to the kitchen garbage can closed and food out of reach on the counter! (I guess you would say she just about has us trained!) She sleeps in her crate at night and we also put her in the crate when we are gone. She still will try to sleep on the furniture, if she thinks we are not paying attention. She has a comfy dog bed, which she also enjoys sleeping on. As I said we put her in the crate at night, but my husband loves to let her out in the morning and send her in to jump on the bed to wake me up or if our granddaughter is spending the night, she will race upstairs to wake her up. Our granddaughter loves for Charlotte to wake her up in the mornings! Our daughter lives next door to us. Charlotte gets to play quite often with our daughter's chocolate lab, Libby, and she gets plenty of exercise when they are together. The lab loves to run and play, so she gets Charlotte to running around, too. Occasionally, Charlotte has to remind Libby who's boss and will snap at her. Libby loves to fetch sticks and Charlotte will run and get the stick before Libby. Charlotte doesn't do to well at returning the stick; she just wants to keep it away from Libby. I don't know if you are interested in college football, but I should tell you that Charlotte has become a University of Alabama football fan. I'm sending you a couple of pictures of her and we're sure she's saying "Roll Tide!" We are so happy we found TBBR and that Charlotte became part of our family! Hope you enjoy the pictures! Best wishes to you and TBBR in 2010! Linda Sanders