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Thanks for writing. Luke is fine. He is adjusting to his new home. He only barks when the door bell rings. When we come home he is so happy to see us. He hates his morning runs with me but we will continue to work on that. He is such a sweetie . My husband loves to take him for rides were Luke hangs out the window & his ears flap :-) His next vet appt is 2 weeks after kids go back to school. My youngest Nick is so concerned that they won't bond. He is all over him with hugs & kisses. Luke is a cutie with a few bad habits like begging for food,jumping up & jumping on furniture. No big probelms he listens & learns quickly. He really is the best so far & we just adore him. Thanks You guys are awesome & Bless all you do Hi, Just a quick note about Luke. We just love him. He took to us so quick. He loves to run around with his toys in his mouth. He sleeps on his dog bed during the day & at night he sleeps with one of the boys or us. He never barks inless there is someone at the door. He is eating great, He hates his 5 am walks with me but he is getting use to it. Thank you so much & we will send pictures soon.


We can't thank you enough for Lexi! She is the sweetest little beagle and is fitting in just perfect with our family. The two big dogs ( boxer and lab) just love her. We will send more pictures as her hair grows back in. The Moody Family


Laila continues to adjust to her home. She has made major strides. She is a very sweet pup w/ a lot of personality. We had a bunch of friends over for Labor Day, and she joined in, hesitantly, but nonetheless did a great job of fitting in. Laila is still very afraid of my husband. She acts like a different dog around breaks his heart. We are still working slowly but surely on her accepting him. She lets him feed her if I'm in the room, and she'll also let our daughter feed her. We almost think she got in trouble for eating before she was rescued because she has been so hesitant to eat or drink in front of us. Thanks for asking. Our hearts go out to this little girl as to what she must have been through. She is so sweet. Carolyn Smith

Little Bit II
Little Bit II

Chase and Little Bit were adopted together and their story is posted below. This is a picture with their new family.

Lelo and Stitch
Lelo and Stitch

We are so proud of the kids! They graduated from Doggie School this past Thursday. While they are not yet up to the required standard to take and pass the Canine Good Citizen test, they have done tremendously well, and even the instructor said that they improved more than she had hoped for when they first started, Missy is not as shy or skittish as she was although she still frightens easily. Somehow I doubt that "fear" tendency will ever leave her. Even our vet said that he thinks that she had a really bad, bad scare during their earlier days, and now she's wary of everything and everyone. She has improved a lot, though. They are both extremely affectionate with people that they know. Missy jumps onto my lap. I turn her onto her back, and cradle her in my arms just like you would a baby. She LOVES it and will stay there for hours, rocking gently and snoring away to beat the band! Charlie jumps on Lenny's lap, and curls up - then sleeps - often for hours at a time. He doesn't do that with me - I think because my lap isn't big enough for him. Yesterday was Brandy's first anniversary. I can't believe that year has gone by so quickly. It was not a good day. She went through a very rough time during her last hours. We miss her a lot. We are very grateful that we have Missy and Charlie, who have filled that void in our life. They are definitely the hit of the neighborhood. We have met more people and made more friends than you would ever dream of, just because people stop to ask about the dogs. We had a car stop as we were walking down the road a few weeks ago. A lady got out - never seen her before and never seen her since. She apologized for "bothering" us, and said she "just had to stop to pet the dogs". We got into a conversation. Her daughter and husband were also in the car. She asked the names of the dogs - we told her "Charlie and Missy". She burst out laughing and said "You're joking, right?" We said "No, why?" and she answered "That's my husband, Charlie driving the car - and our daughter, Melissa, is in the back seat!" Now who woulda thunk it??? LOL We do still plan on bringing them to see you one of these days. Charlie does not like traveling in the car. He whines and cries and barks the whole time. Not sure why. We are trying to get him more used to it by taking him on short trips, but so far we've had no success. I think the weather is too hot for them right now. They both enjoy their indoor "creature comforts" such as air conditioning! When the weather cools some, we'll plan a day to come over to meet with you. You'd be thrilled if you could see them now. They have filled out nicely - no more counting ribs. Charlie weighs just under 35lbs, and Missy flucuates between 20-22lbs. That's quite a big increase over their original 28 and 16 lbs, respectively. They both had a miserable night on Wednesday with all of the fireworks. They did not like them at all. Missy crawled under the bed but still could not get away from the noise. She ended up pacing around the house, stopping here and there to do the occasional "P" purely out of fear. We ended up putting them both in their crates. I put on some music and turned up the volume to try to drown out the firework noise. It did help some. I just wish that people would have a little more consideration for animals when they shoot off fireworks. And also for people who have to get up early the next day for work. But they don't - so we just havet to deal with it. We hope all is going well for you and for the group. You all truly do good work. I know you will be blessed in the next life for what you do in this one. Take care - we'll be in touch. Kind Regards, Pat, Lenny, Charlie & Missy

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