First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Why do you choose to adopt a Beagle?*
Have you had Beagles before and if so, when?*
This dog will be primarily
When your application is approved, are you interested in
Do you have maximum age or color preference?
Which dog are you most interested in adopting Choose an animal: Bart Simpson Dex II Gustav Meadow (fna Cricket III) Myakka Puppy Benny Myakka Puppy Billy Myakka Puppy Blair Myakkah Puppy Bennett Ondra Rhonda Rocky- Courtesy Listing Snicker Doodle Speckles Squeaky and Stripe Walker Wilson
Are there other dogs you are interested in meeting
What characteristics in a dog are most important to you*
Beagles are vocal hounds that have a tendency to bark/howl. How do you plan to handle this *
Because beagles are scent hounds, they have a tendency to wander off. How do you plan to prevent your beagle from getting lost *
Beagles (especially younger ones) have a fairly high activity level and demand a lot of exercise and attention/socialization. How will you handle this*
Adopted dogs often go through a readjustment period (including housebreaking relapses) as they adjust to a new home. How will you handle this*
How do you plan to introduce a new pet to your children and/or current pets*
Have you used crate training with current/previous pets*
How many adults in home*
Does everyone work?* Choose one: Yes No
How many children in the home*
Children's names and ages
Who will be the primary caretaker of the dog*
Does anyone in your family have allergies* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, to what?
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day*
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home*
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
How long have you lived at your current residence?*
Is your yard fenced* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
What is the height of the fence (if applicable)
What type of fence (if applicable) Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal Choose one: Yes No
We would like to know about your current/previous pets, including their name, type of animal, if you still have them (and if not, what happened to them) and how long ago you had them
Veterinarian's Name and Phone Number (please include name the records will be under, both human and pet)*
How did you hear about us*
Have you applied with any other rescue* Choose one: Yes No
I authorize the veterinarians listed above to supply information to The Tampa Bay Beagle Rescue, in regards to my pets above. I understand that the annual costs of owning a pet (including food, supplies and medical care) can average $600 a year. For some animals, the costs can be much higher. I am financially prepared to handle these expenses at this time. I understand that the adoption fee is based on the age of the dog that I select . This adoption fee covers the boarding and medical expenses incurred on all rescue dogs, not just one. I also understand that adoption fees for some animals may be adjusted for special circumstances. I understand that if the adoption does not work out, I can return the beagle to the Rescue, but that the adoption fee is non-refundable. The Rescue Organization works on such limited funds, that adoption fees are spent on another dog as soon as they are received. I certify that the all information I have provided in this application is correct, and that I am 18 years of age or older. If you agree, please enter your name and the current date (this is your legal signature)*