Animal Success Stories
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Elvis II
Elvis II

Sorry we haven’t sent pictures. We have just had a close friend pass away this week and we have been distracted. Elvis, though, who has now been renamed Max is an absolute delight. We love him and he has assimilated well with our other two dogs. We are working on commands with him because he did not know any. No housebreaking accidents, though — he goes right out the doggie doors. We are not crating him anymore during the day and the dogs are fine. I will say I suspect that he was at least verbally abused because sometimes when we are teaching him with a firm voice, he cowers down and acts fearful. That is starting to occur less often and we try to be gentle in our voice commands. He does act like he cannot get enough to eat. Mealtime is the only time we are still struggling with. He wolfs down his food and tries to get to Brody & Murphy’s bowls. We are working on that behavior but it is slow. We also notice that his “thumbs” have been cut off. Was that done for hunting purposes? It’s not just the nail but the whole thing on both front paws. Poor baby. He is excellent on the leash and walking all 3 of them has been no problem. Actually, I thought that would be the most difficult but it’s easy. Thank you for what you do with the rescue. We are dog nuts at our house and Beagles have a special place in our hearts. Brody will be 12 this month and he’s a love. He & Max are about the same size and Max is helping Brody play some despite his arthritis. I promise we will send pix soon! Thanks, Janet