Animal Success Stories
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Ace is doing very well. He enjoys eating, although he is much slower at finishing his food than Nellie. He has even barked at her a few times if she gets too close - just to say back off, it's mine! Occasionally she'll get into his dish if we're not watching and then he run over to us to tattle on Nellie. They LOVE to play tug-of-war with the squeaky toys and have already killed 3 of them. Ace was SO proud of himself the first day he was here and found our large bag of toys...he pulled them all out and wagged his tail so fast and just kept squeaking them. We do crate both of the dogs when we are gone for work during the day time (my husband comes home to let them out at lunch time). We have been slowly experimenting with leaving them out - loose in the house - for an hour or 2 at a time. So far so good... Ace LOVES to go for walks and to the dog park. He has made friends with many neighbor dogs and his buddies that go to the dog park every weekend. He's gotten into a few tussles at the park, but overall, he just walks around and sniffs and barks the whole time. We were pleasantly surprised to find that Ace is very affectionate. He loves to get his tummy rubbed and snuggle. If you're not petting him and he feels he should be, he'll pull your hand to him with his paw and nudge at it with him nose until you pet him. He's sweet. Good news: We've taught Ace to shake, lay down, we're working on rollover now. Sometimes he plays a little too hard for his hip, but it looks like it is filling out a little more with muscle. Thanks for checking in on Ace. We're really glad that we were able to rescue a beagle from an organization that cares so much for the dogs. We tell everyone about the rescue and have run into so many people that have rescued other dogs, too. Janet